Wednesday, November 28, 2012

じゅういちげつ にじゅうくにち

先週の水曜日は カリグラフィーのクラスがありました。
カリグラフィーは むずかしかったですよ。でも、私は  カリグラフィーをかきました。

きれいなえですね。私は このえがとてもすきです。

Hello everybody,

Last Wednesday, we had a calligraphy class. It was hard, but I did write one of them. Isn't it pretty? I like it a lot. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

じゅういちげつ にじゅうに日 サンクスギビングの休みの日


私は サンクスギビングの休みの日に コロンビア大学に ともだちと いきました。
私のともだちは コロンビア大学の学生とジョンズ·ホプキンス大学の学生とウェスリアン大学の学生ですよ。

ともだちと私は 中国のレストランに いきました。たべものはやすくてよくがったです。

Good afternoon everybody,

This Thank's giving break, I went to Columbia University to meet my friends. My friends are from Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University and Wesleyan University. My friends and I went to Chinese restaurant. The food there was cheap and good. 




じゅういちげつ にじゅうに日のばん ともだちと私は コリアタウンに かんこくに いきました。かんこくのたべものは とてもおいしかったです。

 On 23rd's evening, my friends and I went to Korean Town to eat Korean food it was really delicious.



それから、 ともだちと私は セントラル·パークに かいものにいって、りょうに いって、ねました。
Then, we went shopping at Central Park then we went back dorm and went to sleep.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

じゅういちにち とおか PE2 evaluation/PE3 goals and activities


It has been another three weeks and my PE2 cycle is over. So, we will start PE3 for another three weeks. I need to evaluate my PE2 and then set a goal for PE3.

My PE2 Activities
1. Listen audio files and keep repeating after (any random words/sounds regardless of meaning and useful expressions in the textbook) 10minutes a day.
2. Practice the short conversation practices online. 10minutes a day.
3. Listen to Japanese songs and sing along. 10minutes a day. 
4. Attend language table as much as possible. Hopefully once every week.

1. I have not done so well for this one. Most days, I was able to do this activities but some days I was really busy and I usually do the PE activities last because I have to do homework that is due the next day before. I might need to find a solution for this.
2. I fail miserably in the second one. I do it some days but not a lot. I need to practice more.
3. I have done this activities pretty well. I have done it almost everyday and usually about ten minutes. And I usually get new vocabularies by looking the words in the songs up as well (I tend to forget all of them though!)
4. I have attended all of Japanese table this cycle. Success!

PE3: Goal
I need quite a long time to come up with the sentences (with the correct grammar) that I want to say. So I usually have a long gap between my sentences. And my listening skill needs improvement also. These makes my communication in Japanese do not turn out well as I want to.
So I want to improve my speed when I speak and my listening skills along with the pitch.  

PE3: Activities
1. Repeat vocabularies in each chapter in the textbook after the audio files. 5 minutes a day. [improve pitch, review vocabs]
2. Practice the short conversation practices online. 5-10minutes a day. (make it more feasible) [pitch,speed]
3. Listen to Japanese songs and sing along and look up a few vocabularies per song. 5-10minutes a day. [pitch, speed, vocabs]
4. Attend language table every week and engage in the conversation more. Try to initiate the questions and conversation during the language table.[communication]
Goals, activities, how long are the practices a day are subject to change.