Wednesday, January 9, 2013

いちげつ ここのか

今日は 新しい年テーマのカリグラフィーのクラスがありました。
カリグラフィーは むずかしかったですよ。でも、私は  新しい年テーのカリグラフィーをかきました。 希望 (きぼう)です。

希望 (きぼう)/  Hope

きれいなえですね。私は このえが 大好きです。

Hi everybody,

Today we had a new year-theme calligraphy class. It was hard but I wrote one of them. It means hope. Isn't it pretty? I like it a lot.

いちげつ ここのか PE3 evaluation


It has been another three weeks (the last three weeks) and my PE3 cycle and the semester are over. I need to evaluate my PE3.

PE3: Activities
1. Repeat vocabularies in each chapter in the textbook after the audio files. 5 minutes a day. [improve pitch, review vocabs]
2. Practice the short conversation practices online. 5-10minutes a day. (make it more feasible) [pitch,speed]
3. Listen to Japanese songs and sing along and look up a few vocabularies per song. 5-10minutes a day. [pitch, speed, vocabs]
4. Attend language table every week and engage in the conversation more. Try to initiate the questions and conversation during the language table.[communication]
Goals, activities, how long are the practices a day are subject to change. 

1. Most of the days, I was able to do it. So I think it was good.
2. I did not do much of a conversation shadow practice. I ended up listening to the audios instead which will improve my listening skills but unfortunately not my pitch and speed.
3. I have done this activities most of the time, usually about five to ten minutes. And I usually get new vocabularies by looking the words in the songs up as well (I think I forget all of them though!)
4. I have attended all of Japanese table this cycle. Success!

The semester is over, and so is PE. I think I have improve both my listening and speaking skills a lot doing PE. So I think PE is really helpful to me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

いちげつ ようか


ふゆ休みに 私のあに(my elder brother)は 新しいはキンドルを かいました。 あにはわたしに キンドルを あたえりましたよ! よかったですね。私は うれしかったです。^^

私の新しいキンドル / My new Kindle

Hi everybody,

This past winter break, my elder brother brought a new Kindle and gave it to me! Isn't that awesome? I was so happy. ^^

Monday, January 7, 2013

いちげつ なのか


今週は リーディングピリオドです。 ふゆ休みに たくさん しゅくだいが 
ありましたが、 あまり べんきょうをしないので、私は たくさん べんきょうします!
たくさんしゅくだいが あります。 日本語のプロジェクトのプレゼンテーションも 

Hi everybody,

This week is a reading period week. Because during winter break, though I have a lot of 
homework, I did not do much work so I will study a lot this week. I have a lot of homework
this week and I have Japanese project's presentation also.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

いちげつ みっか


先週、私は グランドキャニオンに いきました。グランドキャニオンは とても きれいでした。
それから、 ラスベガスに いきました。でも、 ギャンブルを しませんでした。
おととい ユニバーサルスタジオハリウッドに いきました。とてもたのしいでした。

グランドキャニオン / Grand Canyon

ユニバーサルスタジオハリウッド / Universal Studios Hollywood

Hi everybody,

Last week I went to Grand Canyon. It was really beautiful. Then I went to Las Vegas but I did not gamble anything. Two days ago, I went to Universal Studios Hollywood. I had a lot of fun.